For more accessibility in your life
"Accessible toilets - always and everywhere at the push of a button"- that was our vision at the start of the HandicapX app. A vision that has largely become reality today!The HandicapX app offers its users an app-based peer-to-peer network for the worldwide sharing of accessible toilets editorial service - from affected people, for affected people ... that completely without login or registration!!!As people with disabilities, we face many additional challenges on a daily basis. One of these challenges is the search for an accessible toilet - especially when I have left my familiar surroundings, my circle of life. Wouldnt it be great if, in this situation, you could virtually "ask" other people who are also affected for an accessible toilet nearby? With the network around the HandicapX app this is possible!!! Many thousands of users of the HandicapX app have already reported locations known to them - whether from their daily environment or as a tip from their travels!!! With the HandicapX App, you always have more than 16,000 accessible toilets available at your fingertips. But more than that - the HandicapX app not only provides you with GPS-accurate information on where accessible toilets are located, but also other important information - such as Euro keys, emergency call, automatic doors, e-wheelchair accessible and opening hours.Core contents of the HandicapX app are three functions - "Near me", "Find a toilet" and "Report a toilet".Function "Near me": This function shows you at the touch of a button which accessible toilets are located in your immediate vicinity. All accessible toilets within a radius of a few kilometers from your current position are displayed on a map or as a list. Zooming and swiping is possible on the map, but no additional locations will be loaded.Function "Search toilet": If you want to see accessible toilets far away from your current position or outside your current radius, you can use this function. Select a country and a city and all available accessible toilets will be displayed. This function is very helpful when planning your trip and saves you a lot of time-consuming research.Function "Report toilet": What would a network be without the ability to also report new locations of accessible toilets to share with other users. With the "Report Toilet" feature, you have this opportunity to report accessible toilets in over 247 countries and regions around the world directly through the HandicapX app.Furthermore, users of the HandicapX app have the possibility to edit or even - if necessary - delete entries of already existing locations, to rate entries and to comment on them. To provide our users with the best possible data quality, we editorially review every reported restroom and all changes.The HandicapX app is available in six different languages: English, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Japanese and German. Expand your circle of life today - download the HandicapX app, become part of the network and benefit from thousands of accessible toilets already reported by other users and share yours as tips for other users.HandicapX - For more accessibility in your life !!!All information about the HandicapX app (german): overview / statistics of all already reported locations: asked questions about the HandicapX App (german): Support Forum (German): Bugfixes for Android 8.0- Now available in Spanish, Russian, Japanese and Polish- Design enhancements
Sehr hilfreiche app
Would not find any restrooms in my area